Claire's Blog-previous posts




Post 1

Well Im 13 weeks post op, and finally trying to eat different foods, for three weeks after the Bypass I continued to have soup, Jelly, and water. For some reason I craved coffee, I use to like the odd coffee now and again especially if it was from Costa, but Id never craved it like I was beginning to. The first thing i had was a latte,  with 1 sugar in it, and the taste of it was sickening, pre op I would of had 2 sugars and now I could taste every bit of that one sugar.
I never thought my taste buds would change like they have done, last week it was sons birthday and he wanted me to have some cake, I agreed in the end but a small bite was more than enough, I felt sick with the taste chocolate, I was so happy that I no longer liked the taste of sweet things. Also smells aren't the same, I don't smell food and think wow I fancy eating that, and for that I am so grateful.
 Pre op, I was in pain, my back ached from the previous breaks, my ankles ached from previous breaks as well as carrying the weight about, there was swelling around my hips as well, my own GP also thought I had fibromyalgia. Since the op my back no longer hurts, nor does my ankles and hips, I feel so better and active and alive.
 After 3 weeks I then went onto solids, I even bought some baby food, if you can imagine how small them jars are and to begin with I could only eat 4 little spoonful's I can manage about 6 now. Mash and fish are also a favourite as it settles in my stomach, and as much as I love chicken it no longer likes me, but slow cooked stew settles brilliantly for me as do most dishes that are made with mince. I do not eat a lot about 6-8 spoonful's and its all about chewing and eating slowly. The biggest thing I have had to overcome is having a drink with my meals, I wait a hour after I have eaten to then be able to have a drink, in this time of waiting I often think I wish id just had a drink and not had food, but I know I have to eat. Oh how times have changed.
 I've got to a point now and I crave savoury things, cheese and pickle, picked onions, salt & vinegar, I cooked myself some fish just so I could soak it in vinegar, its so crazy, but the fish was beautiful.
 Im now 20st 11lbs I stall in losing weight every two weeks, I seem to lose for two weeks then I maintain weight for 2 weeks, then I start to loose again. Inch wise I'm constantly losing, i'm 5 clothes sizes down, everything hangs off me, I don't want to buy new things as I keep thinking what is the point if im continuing to lose.
 So far everything is going good, Ive got no complaints what so ever, im excited for what ever comes my way, and I love it when people I know either walk past me, or when I say 'HI' they take a second look.
 Would I do this if I had the chance again, of course I bloody would, I've got a second chance at my life.


Post 2

Well I'm now nearly 9 stone lighter, I'm no longer sure what size clothes I'm in as I'm waiting till I go clothes shopping for my hols in the next few weeks. Last time I bought clothes, well a couple of pairs of leggings I was a size 22 , which is amazing to say I was 30-32 in March. 
 My clothes all hang off me, my gym clothes look ridiculous but I begrudge spending money knowing in a few weeks they'll no longer fit. I want a new look but not sure what. I still look in mirror and see the old me staring back I don't see what others see,I suppose this is because I see myself every day. I went into the doctors for my b12 injection, I now have to have these every 3mths because of the bypass, as I do not take in enough b12 via food as my eating is restricted. 
 The receptionist at the doctors could not believe it was me, I told her I had the bypass as I can't lie to save my life and I'm not ashamed to admit it. I was slightly put off telling people in the beginning more for the sake of my sons, other people can be cruel and I wanted to explain the full facts of what I was having done and why so there heads was only full of the correct information. 
 Eating wise I'm struggling with meat, I've decided to concentrate on eating enough fruit and veg, cheese and protein shakes, in a few weeks I will try meat again as everything is trail and error at moment :) 
 I've had a big amount of hair loss in the last 3 weeks, I'm lucky as I always had very thick hair, so although it's thinned a lot and I can tell others can't. The thinning of hair is temporary it's all a matter of my body going through changes and getting use to the fact I've had the bypass and my hair will start to thicken up. 
 At minute the only bad side of this is the fact  when I sit on a hard surface, chairs or in bath by god my bum bones ache. I can also feel the cold like I've never felt before. All very minor things, I do feel like I've been lucky not to suffer like others have reported to have done. I came out of operating theatre and was only ever given paracetamol by drip, as I  have a bad reaction to the drug Tramadol, and even the anti sickness drug made me feel ill, but my body does not tolerate drugs well it's as if I fight everything this is why I'm not a big fan of alcohol as I like to be in control. 
 I will next time update with pictures as hopefully will have clothes that fit lol I've kept my old salon Tunic and the biggest pair of trousers that I wore just so I can see how big I was. The last time I weighed what I currently weigh was over 14 yrs ago. 
WLS Isn't for everyone and I promised I'd never have surgery to help lose weight but sometimes we all have to give in and weigh up the pros and cons. It's not an easy journey either, I've heard all sorts from relationships breaking down to families falling out over the surgery. I'm great full that I have a very supportive family that only want the best for me, and I now have my two eldest sons signed up to the gym as I could see there weight with starting high school steadily increasing. It hasn't been just a change of living for me my whole family have stepped on board. 







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